So... way back in October 2020, we took a trip back to Port Douglas, QLD and went out on a cruise to the Great Barrier Reef.  While on the cruise, Braden, Gavin and I went snorkeling.  Ian did SCUBA and Jamie was able to join a introductory SCUBA dive with an instructor.  Ever since then, Jamie has talked about getting certified.  Of course, living in the middle of the desert made that impossible and COVID didn't help.  We promised that once we move to Thailand that we would look into it.

Fortunately, here in our community there is local dive shop called Dive Me Crazy and all 3 boys were able to start the process.  They completed the online course and did their pool work here in Nichada.

Someone needed to supervise

Once they completed their pool work, we traveled south to Sutahip for the boys to do 4 Open Water dives.  In addition to completing their certification, they participated in some conservation efforts.  First, the boat owners go down to the wet markets in the morning and look for baby sharks for sale.  They aren't really popular to eat, but if they get picked up in the fishermen's nets then they go to market.  The owners buy them and release them again during dives.  Additionally, they brought some coral to transplant to help rebuild the reefs.  All in all it was great experience and the boys all successfully completed their certifications.

A little rest between dives

Ian supervising

A little shark rescue in between dives

Planting new coral


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