Winter Break Travels (Day 4)

 On our 4th day, we left Chiang Rai to take a scenic drive to Golden Triangle. A point in Thailand where you can see Burma (Myanmar), Laos and Thailand come together.  Our drive actually criss-crossed briefly across the Burma-Thai border a few times, so we had to go through several check points to ensure we weren't smuggling refugees (or drugs) across the border.  They saw a car load of "farang" and sent us on our way.

We made a few stops on the way to see the views, villages and even got a blessing from a monk.

We traveled to "The Northernmost point of Thailand" and walked around the border town of Mae Sai.  When there a lots of tourists, this is a bustling market town and there is even the opportunity to cross into Burma.  With the refugee crisis and pandemic that is not an option, but was still neat to be there.

We continued our drive to Golden Triangle for a good night's rest before the next day's adventure.

Mekong Pizza
Mekong pizza is owned and operated by a Thai woman and her American husband.  We loved meeting them and chatting. Highly recommend.

No tourists means no traffic.

Chinese casino across the river in Laos

Leaving Golden Triangle
On to Chiang Mai...


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